January 7, 2013

The (Late) Saturday Seven 1/7/13

1. Mood: Motivated. With the arrival of the new year, I have big plans of grandeur to revamp my life...we'll see how long this lasts. Lol! I am only human!
2. Substitute questionWhat is/are your new year's resolution(s)? Of course to be healthier...so that includes exercising more, eating better, drinking more water, and getting more sleep. I also would like to be more organized and put myself on a schedule for blog posts and YouTube videos. Those are just a few of my resolutions!
3. Product(s) I'm adding to my wish list:The new MUFE foundation that can be used as a powder or applied damp. I am a foundation whore! I will try any and all foundations within my budget that are made for my skin type. 
4. Most used product of the week: Blistex Moisture Melt
5. Scent of the week: TokyoMilk Dark Tainted Love
6. Favorite song of the moment:Diamonds (Remix) by Rihanna featuring Kayne West

7. A sprinkle of randomness: I know I am late with yet another Saturday Seven. My apologies! I am going to try to post more consistently on my blog. Promise!

Have a great week! :)

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