September 4, 2012

The Very Late Saturday Seven 9/4/12

I apologize for posting this so late! I totally lost track of time with the three day weekend and all of the happenings going on. The next Saturday Seven will be on time, promise!

1. Mood: Annoyed...with myself. Lol! I got a little lazy and took a break from my exercise routine for a week. I just got back on track and I am so mad at myself for taking that little break...stupid me! Well I guess I can't go back in time (even though that would be pretty cool) and I can only go forward. So I'm sticking with it from now on!
2. One good thing from the week: I saw Jason Mraz in concert on Saturday. It was such a great show!
3. Product(s) I'm adding to my wish list: Some new fall clothing and accessories. I am sad to see the summer go because that means colder weather and my tattoos will be making less of an appearance. :( I am always on the lookout for season appropriate clothing that will showcase my tattoos as well. I also am looking for some new funky rings!
4. Most used product of the week: Milani Multi-tasker Face Powder in Medium
5. Scent of the week: The One by Dolce & Gabbana
6. Favorite song of the moment: Living in the Moment by Jason Mraz..There is no official video for the song yet. So I found a live version which seems like it was filmed in a smaller venue. In my opinion, smaller venues are definitely the place to see Jason. He plays incredible shows in more intimate settings. Anyway, take a listen and live in the moment!!! :)

7. A sprinkle of randomness: The weather here has been crazy! It rains and storms then clears up and becomes super humid. My hair and makeup can't take it anymore! Lol. I'm looking forward to fall weather.

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